Location: Santa Clara University, Guadalupe Hall Rooms 150-151
Equity, Growth and Community: Discussing a Path Forward for Silicon Valley
Our country is increasingly characterized by growing inequality, economic insecurity, and partisanship exacerbated by fragmented information sources in our increasingly narrow-cast media landscape. Yet the research that Chris Benner and his collaborator Manuel Pastor have done shows that in fact inequity is bad for economic growth, and that a fundamental building block for bringing equity and growth together is the creation of diverse and dynamic epistemic (or knowledge) community.
How can we as a region effectively address these challenges? How are we viewing and promoting equity as part of our region’s development? How can we bring together the full diversity of perspectives and experiences in the region to ensure inclusion and prosperity for all? Join American Leadership Forum Silicon Valley (ALFSV) and SPUR San Jose for this exciting convening on the evening of April 5th! Only 75 seats available for ALFSV Network and SPUR members.
RSVP at http://alfsv.nonprofitsoapbox.com/alf-spur-april5
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