American Leadership Forum Appoints Interim Executive Director
ALF begins renewal process to meet the exigencies of our time.
February 18, 2022, San Jose, CA—American Leadership Forum, a 40-year-old network leadership organization, has announced the appointment of a national director to lead its new strategic planning and fundraising efforts.
American Leadership Forum Silicon Valley Chapter CEO Suzanne St. John-Crane will take on the additional role of Executive Director for the next 24 months on a part-time basis to begin building the next generation of ALF.
“The ALF National Board of Directors is launching a new strategic direction for the organization,” shared ALF National Board Chair, Nory Angel, CEO of ALF Houston. “As part of this effort, we are thrilled to have Suzanne St. John-Crane take the helm as our Interim Executive Director. She had a proven track record in building and growing one of the largest chapters in our ALF network. We are excited to have her vision, passion, and commitment in leading this effort.”
At its core, ALF builds and strengthens relationships across sectors through its flagship Fellows program, weaving networks of Senior Fellows, graduates of the Fellows programs who commit to practicing dialogue across differences and serving the common good.
“Our democracy is crying out for leaders who are willing to engage in real, transformational dialog to repair relationships and co-create better outcomes,” says St. John-Crane. “The time for courageous leadership is now. This is not a drill.”
ALF was founded by Joseph Jaworski, Chairman of Generon International, cofounder of the Global Leadership Initiative, and author of the critically acclaimed Synchronicity: The Inner Path of Leadership which details the ALF origin story.
Jaworski was recently interviewed by KPRC in Houston, commemorating the 40th anniversary of ALF. “There is a real rip in the social fabric. There is a real social divide…ALF can play a real role in healing that fragmentation,” says Jaworski.
Currently, ALF has chapters in Houston, Silicon Valley, Tacoma, WA; Oregon; Waccamaw, NC; Charlotte, NC; Modesto, CA and Sacramento, CA. ALF has 4,300 Senior Fellows across the country. The new evolution of ALF intends to connect and activate them for good.
Media Inquiries
Richard Ángel Vega
American Leadership Forum Silicon Valley
Marketing & Communications Director
408-554-2004 |