Anti-Racist Learning Circle

Private Venue

The Anti-Racist Learning Circle is a space for white Senior Fellows to be in dialogue about how white people can be anti-racist leaders, and co-conspirators with people of color, for equity and belonging. This group explores historical and current systemic, structural and interpersonal racism. In this group, we: -Examine white fragility and how it shows […]

AAPI Caucus Angel Island Learning Experience

Unnamed Venue 0

We are partnering with the Angel Island Foundation to provide a special guided tour of the Angel Island Immigration Station and facilitated discussion by Ed Tepporn, Executive Director, about the connections between historical and current events and experiences. To register, contact Akemi Flynn Tentative Schedule: 11:30am - Arrive at Angel Island 11:30-noon: Walk to the […]


ALF Black

Private Venue

Black Senior Fellows come together to build relationships, support each other’s leadership, and explore how they can collectively address issues of concern to them and their communities. Racial caucuses can […]

ALF Women’s Gathering

Nestledown 22420 Old Santa Cruz Highway, Los Gatos, CA, United States
