ALF Political Perspective Dialogue Circle #4

ALF Political Perspective Dialogue Circle #4 Vitriolic hate speech and divisive politics have created schisms in our country and across the globe.  Dialogue is a superior method for resolving gridlock. Dialogue can highlight our common ground, help us understand our differences, and encourage us to reserve judgment until we have considered a variety of ways […]

ALF & SVCF Foundation Leaders COVID-19 Response Group

ALF & SVCF Foundation Leaders COVID-19 Response Group ALF and SVCF co-lead this group of foundation leaders focused on philanthropic responses to the COVID-19 health and financial crises and leadership to address historic and growing racial and economic inequities. If you have any questions, please contact Chief Impact Officer, Jenny Niklaus at

White Leader Learning Circle

White Leader Learning Circle The intent of the White Leader Learning Circle is to provide a safe and brave space for white leaders to be in a dialogue about whiteness and the impact of white privilege historically and currently in communities of color. This group will explore historical oppression as well as systematic and structural […]

CEO DIEL Cohort 2 Affinity Group

CEO DIEL Cohort 2 Affinity Group Over the course of the past two years, ALF has been facilitating two groups of 20 nonprofit leaders who want to engage more deeply […]