
ALF Black

Private Venue

Black Senior Fellows come together to build relationships, support each other’s leadership, and explore how they can collectively address issues of concern to them and their communities. Racial caucuses can […]

December Lunch & Learn

The Commonwealth Club 110 The Embarcadero, San Francisco, CA

San Francisco-East Bay Senior Fellow Lunch & Learn | Civil Dialogue as a Means for Strengthening Democracy Enjoy lunch and dialogue with Senior Fellows living or working in San Francisco […]


La Comunidad for Justice, Equity & Inclusion

Latino/a/x Senior Fellows and Fellows are coming together to build relationships, support each other’s leadership, and explore how they can collectively address issues of concern to them and their communities. Racial caucuses can provide “opportunities for those who share a common identity to meet separately to gather, connect, and learn.” Often, “caucusing can be a […]