Ann DeBusk Legacy Circle
What will your legacy be?
Naming American Leadership Forum Silicon Valley in your estate plans ensures that the positive impact of the Fellows Program and Senior Fellow experience on future leaders is an integral part of your legacy in this community.
You can direct your bequest unrestricted to support various efforts, or you can choose to support specific work of ALF Silicon Valley, such as Scholarships or Affinity Groups. Your assets remain in your control during your lifetime, and gifts through your will can be modified if necessary.
A gift in your will costs nothing now, and you retain control and use of your assets during your lifetime. However, a gift in your will guarantees that you will leave a legacy.
Already included us in your estate plans? Let us know!
We would like to thank you and welcome you to the Ann DeBusk Legacy Circle. By informing us, you can help ensure that we will fulfill your gift exactly as you intend. Please contact ALF Silicon Valley Development Manager, Sumaiya Moosa, at 669-600-1507.
Is your will up to date?
If you have an existing Will, read over the checklist below to see if it’s time to update it. Will reviews are recommended every three to five years.
Once you have provided for your loved ones, the American Leadership Forum Silicon Valley would be honored to be a beneficiary of your estate.
- It has been three years or more since I last reviewed my Will.
- My Will was drawn up when I lived in a different state or country.
- There has been a birth in the family.
- There has been a death in the family.
- There has been a change in my marital status.
- The beneficiaries named in my Will are no longer living.
- I would like to add or remove beneficiaries.
- The executor and/or alternate named in my Will are no longer living.
- I would like to change the executor and/or alternate named in my Will.
- There have been changes in the value of my estate.
- I would like to change how I distribute my estate.
- My charitable giving plans have changed.
Sample language for your will
ALF Silicon Valley Federal Tax ID: 94-3092396
Specific Gift (dollar amount specified by you to be donated from your Estate):
“I give _________ (% of estate or specific dollar amount) to the American Leadership Forum Silicon Valley, located in San Jose, California.”
Residual Gift (A percentage donated from the remainder of your estate after other gifts and distributions have been made):
“I give the rest, residue and remainder (or a % of the rest, residue and remainder) of my estate to the American Leadership Forum Silicon Valley, located in San Jose, California.”
Gift from your Life Insurance
To include us as a beneficiary in your plans, contact your Life Insurance plan administrator for a designation form.
Listed below is the information you need to leave a legacy through your Life Insurance.
Legal Name: American Leadership Forum Silicon Valley
Address: 1400 Parkmoor Ave, Suite 280, San Jose, CA 95126
Tax ID: 94-3092396
Gift from your IRA
To include us as a beneficiary in your retirement plans, contact your IRA plan administrator for a designation form.
Below is the information you need to leave a legacy through your IRA.
Legal Name: American Leadership Forum Silicon Valley
Address: 1400 Parkmoor Ave, Suite 280, San Jose, CA 95126
Tax ID: 94-3092396
Our Supporters
ALF Silicon Valley thanks our supporters for their tremendous support!
Their gifts allow ALF to offer scholarships to non-profits and public sector Fellows, as well as support meaningful Senior Fellow engagement and impact work through network weaving in Silicon Valley.


Sumaiya Moosa
Development Manager | 669-600-1507
American Leadership Forum Silicon Valley
1400 Parkmoor Ave, Suite 280, San Jose, CA 95126
Tax ID: 94-3092396
I deeply appreciate all of the donors and contributors that have supported ALF throughout the years. The scholarships that ALF gives out is key to making the program as rich as it is.
Hugh Molotsi, Class XXXIII